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Resolution asks Mayor Orr to reconsider decision to cancel ‘Friday Nights on the Plaza’

Courtesy of Fridays On The Plaza (Facebook)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – 8 of the 9 members of the Cheyenne City Council introduced and passed a resolution during the July 13th, 2020 meeting of the Governing Body that asked Mayor Orr to rethink her decision to call off the 2020 “Friday Nights on the Plaza” concert series.

On June 25th, Orr suspended the popular event citing a rise of positive COVID-19 cases being reported in Laramie County.

Friday Nights on The Plaza was set to begin on July, 10th, 2020 at the Downtown Depot Plaza before it the schedule in its entirety was canceled.

“To adequately protect everyone from attendees to performers, to staff, to vendors, to sponsors, it was a prudent decision to let go of 2020 Fridays on the Plaza and look to a bigger, better, and brighter 2021!” the statement from the Mayor’s Office on the decision to cancel the events read.

The sponsors of this resolution, which came from the Public Works Committee, are Mr. Case, Mr. Cook, Mr. Esquibel, Mr. Luna, Dr. Rinner, Mr. Roybal, Mr. Shanor & Mr. White.

The language in the resolution adds that the Mayor’s decision to cancel the event would cause irreparable economic damage to downtown businesses and the City of Cheyenne.

The resolution goes on to say that city staff had developed a plan to have Friday’s on the Plaza events that met all guidelines established by the State of Wyoming and the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department put in place due to COVID-19 and that plan had been approved by officials.

“That the Governing Body of the City of Cheyenne hopes that future decisions will be made in concert with local and state health officials and members of the Governing Body.”

Sponsors advised that local and state health officials did not recommend or advise cancellation of these events.

“The Mayor made the decision to cancel these important community
events without input from members of the Governing Body or officials at the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department,” the proposed resolution states.

The eight city council members encourage Orr to revisit this decision unless otherwise recommended by health officials from the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department and the State of Wyoming to not hold the event.

The resolution passed by unanimous consent.

For more information on this proposed resolution please follow this link.

