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Downtown Development Authority renews Façade Improvement Program

The design committee's purpose is to be a steward for physical improvements and development in Cheyenne’s DDA District.

Downtown Cheyenne (Photo by Stephanie Lam / Cap City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The city of Cheyenne’s dormant Façade Improvement Program, which offers matching grant funds to certain property owners via a reimbursement process, has been reinstated.

At its first meeting of 2024, the Downtown Development Authority passed a staff recommendation to renew the Façade Improvement Program. According to a staff report presented at the meeting, the DDA has historically had a design committee that served as a steward for physical improvements and development in Cheyenne’s DDA District. Reinstating the FIP would preserve “historical value of the Downtown district while improving the overall aesthetic appeal of Downtown Cheyenne,” according to the report.

“We want to emphasize the foundational role our natural settings and heritage resources play in defining our community’s character,” said Irene Parsons, manager of the DDA/Main Street, at Thursday’s meeting. Parsons introduced the FIP renewal recommendation to the rest of DDA and city staff at the meeting.

The façade design committee will be administered through the DDA’s Main Street Program and execute the following duties:

  • Be comprised of three DDA board members, a representative from the Cheyenne Historical Preservation Board and a representative from the State Historical Preservation Office
  • Review recommendations for approval of FIP Grant applications from DDA/Main Street Program staff that meet FIP’s various guidelines
  • Identify areas of concern or questions about applications
  • Make recommendations to the DDA Board for final approval of applications

All grant applications approved by the FIP committee will go to the DDA Board for final approval.

