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John Contos named Cheyenne Frontier Days general chairman

John Contos, New General Chairman of CFD (Photo from Cheyenne Frontier Days)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — John Contos has been named the next general chairman by the Cheyenne Frontier Days Board of Directors.

Contos will now lead the General Committee in producing the 127th celebration and will be replacing outgoing Chairman Jimmy Dean Siler.

Contos retired from Laramie County School District #1 as an Administrator of Health, Physical Education, and Safe & Drug-Free Schools & Communities. He previously served as a physical/health education instructor at Laramie County School District #1. Contos attended the University of Wyoming, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology and a master’s degree.

Contos has been a CFD Volunteer for 39 years. He joined the HEELS organization in 1998 and was a CFD public relations chairman.

Contos was a CFD board member from 2016 to 2021, and in that time acted as secretary/treasurer and vice president as well as board president in 2018.

In a release from CFD, Contos said, “I am honored, excited and humbled to be selected as the next General Chairman of the World’s Largest Outdoor Rodeo and Western Celebration!”

