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U.S. Army: text messages notifying individuals of military draft are fake


The United States Army say they have received multiple reports about text messages that claim to notify individuals they’ve been selected for a military draft.

The Army says such messages are fake and are not originating from them.

The Wyoming Department of Education says they have not received any complaints about the nation-wide scams, but asked parents and students to be vigilant, verify information with reputable sources and protect their personal information.

“The decision to enact a draft is not made at or by U.S. Army Recruiting Command,” the Army said on Jan. 7. “The Selective Service System, a separate agency outside of the Department of Defense, is the organization that manages registration for the Selective Service.”

On Wednesday, the Selective Service added on Twitter that they are not contacting anyone about a draft.

“Please disregard any text messages received from people claiming to be the Selective Service or US Army,” they said.

The last time a draft was in effect was in 1973, the Army says.

“The military has been an all-volunteer force since that time,” the Army added. “Registering for the Selective Service does not enlist a person into the military.”

The Selective Serivice says that U.S. Congress and the president would have to pass legislation in order for a draft to be authorized.

