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Record number of anglers complete Wyoming's 2019 'Cutt-Slam' challenge

(Wyoming Game and Fish Department)

A record number of anglers completed the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s 2019 “Cutt-Slam” challenge.

The Cutt-Slam challenges people to catch all for cutthroat trout subspecies found in the state. Those include:

  • Bonneville cutthroat
  • Colorado River cutthroat
  • Snake River cutthroat
  • Yellowstone cutthroat

144 people completed the challenge in 2019, breaking the previous record of 142 anglers set in 2013.

“This year marked the seventh that more than 100 anglers earned the recognition,” Game and Fish adds.

Since the challenge began, 1,719 people have successfully completed it, hailing from every state besides Hawaii, Kentucky and Rhode Island. People from Canada and Czechoslovakia have also completed the challenge, the department says.

“’As the popularity of the program grows, so does the attention to the department’s management efforts for cutthroat trout restoration,’ said Alan Osterland, Game and Fish chief of fisheries.”

In addition to catching the fish, anglers are required to take photos of their catches and label the date and location where the fish were caught.

“Those who complete the slam receive a personalized certificate featuring the four cutthroat subspecies, a Wyoming Cutt-Slam commemorative medallion provided by Wyoming Trout Unlimited and a Cutt-Slam vehicle decal,” Game and Fish says. “The Wyoming-Cutt Slam was the idea of the late Ron Remmick, who was the Game and Fish fisheries supervisor in the Green River and Pinedale regions.”

“Remmick wanted to draw attention to the management efforts being done with Wyoming’s cutthroat species and find a way to profile them. The medallion became part of the prize package in 2018 in honor of Remmick.”

