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F.E. Warren limiting base access for July 4 Fireworks

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Due to coronavirus restrictions, viewing the July 4 downtown Cheyenne fireworks display from F.E. Warren Air Force Base will now be limited to active duty personnel and their dependents as well as people with pre-approved visitor passes.

According to base officials, this measure is being taken in accordance with HPCON CHARLIE conditions, according to a news release from the base.

“For the safety of our veteran and retiree populations, we will not be allowing base access to these groups for the display. This enables us to keep our active duty and vulnerable populations separate in hopes of preventing spread within the community,” the news release from went on to say.

“We are disappointed that we are having to limit base access for the July 4th fireworks,” said Col. Peter Bonetti, 90th Missile Wing commander, “but we have to do our part to keep all our neighbors in the community healthy and safe.”

On July 1st, 2020, F.E. Warren increased the Health Protection Condition (HPCON) to CHARLIE to prevent a resurgence of COVID-19.

For more information, please visit: https://www.warren.af.mil/FEW-COVID-19-INFO/ or the F.E. Warren AFB Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FEWarrenAirForceBase.

Any members of the public who have any questions are advised to contact the F.E. Warren Public Affairs Office at (307) 773-3381.

