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Wyoming’s SLIB declines Town of Lyman’s $6M grant and loan requests for new assisted living center


CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming State Loan and Investment Board considered Business Ready Community grant and loan requests from three towns during a meeting on Thursday, June 2.

The five elected officials on the SLIB unanimously approved requests from the Town of Hudson and the Town of Sinclair but the board did not approve requests from the Town of Lyman, according to a press release from the Wyoming Business Council.

The Town of Lyman had requested a $3 million Business Committed grant and an additional $3 million loan for the construction of a 16,000 sq. foot assisted living facility. The town’s plan proposed a facility that would include 22 apartments, a kitchen and dining area and would be built at a 2.6 acre site across from Lyman Town Hall, according to the WBC.

The SLIB approved the Town of Hudson’s request for a $248,513 Community Readiness grant to extend the town’s water line from Kansas Avenue about 600 yards under the Little Popo Agie River to Frank’s Meats and surrounding land.

“The extension will serve two businesses and stub out to the adjacent 12 acres of land for further business or residential expansion opportunities,” the WBC said. “The project will also serve five existing residences that would not have to haul water anymore.”

The Town of Sinclair will receive a $240,000 Community Project grant to repair and stabilize the exterior facade of the Sinclar Historic Theatre, according to the WBC.

“This will be the final phase of a multi-year project to renovate, revitalize, and ensure the Historic Theatre is operational as a community gathering place,” the WBC said of the Sinclair project.

The grants approved by the SLIB are administered by the Wyoming Business Council. The grant and loan program offers money for publicly owned infrastructure projects that help meet business needs and promote economic development in Wyoming communities.

The SLIB is comprised of the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer and state superintendent of public instruction.

