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Cheyenne seeks $900K in federal grant funds for Van Buren Avenue Flood Control project

Cheyenne City Councilmember Scott Roybal, left, and Mayor Patrick Collins during the Monday, July 25, City Council meeting. (YouTube Screenshot)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The City of Cheyenne is hoping to net up to $900,000 in federal grant funds for a “critically needed flood control” project at East Dell Range Boulevard and Van Buren Avenue.

On Monday, the City Council signed off on a resolution supporting the city’s application for Water and Sewer American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Grant program funds. The grant is scored on a point system, and the resolution will help to maximize the competitiveness of the city’s application, a memo from city staff states.

“The project is estimated to cost up to $2 [million] and the City Engineer anticipates using up to 50% match funds from the 5th Penny Tax fund,” the memo states.

According to the resolution, the city would chip in an additional $900,000 in matching funds from the 5th Penny Sales Tax. A local match is a grant program requirement.

