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Cheyenne celebrates the fallen with annual Wreaths Across America ceremony

(Eve Hamilton/Cap City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Last Saturday, Dec. 17, residents gathered in cemeteries throughout the city to lay wreaths upon the graves of the fallen as part of the nationwide Wreaths Across America event.

Each December, more than 3,400 locations across all 50 U.S. states take part in laying wreaths on the graves of soldiers and veterans to honor them during the holiday season.

The mission of this event is to remember, honor, and teach about the history of the United States as well as those who have served to protect this nation.

There were five events throughout the City of Cheyenne, and the photos below are from the event at Mount Olivet Cemetery.

Fr. Tom Cronkleton from St. Mary’s Cathedral says a blessing above the wreaths. (Eve Hamilton/Cap City News)
Residents gather around the Priest Circle Monument in Mount Olivet Cemetery. (Eve Hamilton/Cap City News)
Wreaths lay upon several graves around the Priest Circle Monument. (Eve Hamilton/Cap City News)
One of many attendees lays a wreath upon the grave of a service member. (Eve Hamilton/Cap City News)

