CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Girl Scout Cookie season has begun in Wyoming and Montana.
Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming kicks off its 2023 Cookie Program on Friday, Feb. 3. GSMW is excited to have 10 varieties to offer, including Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Trefoils, and Adventurefuls. New cookies this year include Lemonades, Toast-Yay!, and gluten- and allergen-free Caramel Chocolate Chip.
Also beginning Feb. 10, the new Raspberry Rally will be available online only for direct shipping.
Girl Scout Cookies in Montana and Wyoming will sell for $5 per package with the exception of the gluten- and allergen-free Caramel Chocolate Chip, which will sell for $6 per package. This is GSMW’s first price increase since 2013.
Girl Scout Cookies will be available in several ways over the coming weeks and months across Montana and Wyoming:
- Girl Scouts will take pre-orders Feb. 3 – Feb. 19 with delivery in late March
- Cookies may be ordered online from a Girl Scout you know or by following the link here until April 16
- Cookies can be purchased at Cookie Booths from March 24 through April 16
The Girl Scout Cookie Program teaches girls financial literacy and helps them develop five essential skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. All of the proceeds earned from the cookie sale stay local with the troops and council.