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(PHOTOS) Meals on Wheels surpasses 13 million pet meals delivered nationwide to animal owners; over 75K dispersed in Laramie County

David, a Laramie County resident and Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne client, sits on a couch with his dog Rebel for a photo. (Photo courtesy of Rhianna Brand/Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Nearly all of Meals on Wheels clients who own pets say animals make them happier and less lonely. This holds true for David, a senior living in Laramie County.

David’s dog, Rebel, is a 7-year-old Blue Heeler with a spunky personality. Like most dogs, he loves being taken on walks and chomping on treats. As a medical alert animal, Rebel plays a key role in David’s life by managing his anxiety and depression symptoms.

“I talk to him all day like a human because I got no family,” David said. “I live alone with my dog.”

Although pets provide much-needed companionship to homebound seniors, an owner’s ability to afford food and veterinary care isn’t always easy. Over one in five Meals on Wheels clients with pets forego meals themselves to feed their companion animals. About 30% skimp on other necessities, like medical care and utilities. David understands this well, as he lives on a fixed income and has struggled to take care of bills so he can support Rebel.

“He’s my best friend. He helps me more than people will ever know,” David said.

Meals on Wheels has continued to push its efforts to support pet owners like David. In early June, the national organization reached a milestone, having surpassed 13 million pet meal donations served since 2020. Since Wheels on Wheels of Cheyenne launched its AniMEALS program in January 2023, more than 75,600 pet meals have been delivered to Laramie County residents.

Local program partners Cheyenne Dog Food Company, Dr. Elsey’s and members of the public have made pet meals possible for Wyoming households. Anyone interested in donating to the AniMEALS program can visit the Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne website here or call 307-635-5542. Those who wish to volunteer and deliver pet meals once a month can click here.

David smiles and pets his medical alert animal Rebel. (Photo courtesy of Rhianna Brand/Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne)
David and Rebel sit for a photo on a porch. (Photo courtesy of Rhianna Brand/Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne)

