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A calf is born: Hot Springs park welcomes first baby bison of the year

Spring is an exciting time for park employees and locals who watch the herd in hopes of spotting a newborn.

A bison cow cleans her newborn calf on April 30, 2024 in Hot Springs State Park near Thermopolis. It was the first calf of 2024 born to the park’s herd. (Chris Delay/Hot Springs State Park)

By Katie Klingsporn

The small herd of bison that roams the sage hills of Hot Springs State Park near Thermopolis may not garner the same attention as its brethren near Jackson, but it has a solid contingent of local fans. 

Each spring, park employees and Thermopolis locals keep a close eye on the herd’s cows in anticipation of calves, Park Superintendent Chris Delay said.

The first birth of 2024 was reported on the final day of April, when an employee spotted a cow that had gone off by herself — a good sign of labor. On further inspection, the staffer saw the tawny-colored calf. 

Delay, a photographer, drove out soon after to see if he could spot the new bison. He found the cow and calf fairly close to the road, and captured this image of the mother cleaning her newborn. 

Bison have inhabited the park since 1916. The herd currently includes two bulls and 13 cows. Plus a growing number of calves. 

“We’re up to four,” Delay said Wednesday. “And we’re hoping for somewhere between nine and 11.”

This article was originally published by WyoFile and is republished here with permission. WyoFile is an independent nonprofit news organization focused on Wyoming people, places and policy.

