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Mountain lions spotted at F.E. Warren AFB; what to know about panther safety


CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Cougars have been seen roaming through Cheyenne recently. Community members are being advised to exercise caution if encountering these felines.

F.E. Warren Air Force Base stated Tuesday that several people have reported seeing mountain lions on base earlier this week. A representative of the 90th Missile Wing Public Affairs office told Cap City News that a military member spotted a puma Tuesday. Moreover, an on-base federal Fish and Wildlife officer caught glimpse of one on a trail camera last week, the representative stated via email.

The mountain lion — also known as a puma, cougar, panther or catamount — is typically active at dusk or dawn to coincide with deer active hours, according to the U.S. National Park Service. A catamount may be unpredictable and dangerous if engaged with, but they overall try to avoid confrontations with humans. Be sure to keep pets indoors at night as well.

Anyone who witnesses one of these big cats on base should call the law enforcement desk at 307-773-3501.

