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Botanic Gardens to host Virtual Fall Speaker Series beginning Oct. 24

(Courtesy of the City of Cheyenne)

CHEYENNE. Wyo. –  Beginning Saturday, October 24th, the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens will host a virtual Fall Speaker Series; allowing community members to participate in socially distanced gardening classes taught by industry professionals.

To purchase tickets online, visit www.botanic.org/classes. Tickets may be purchased at $15 per class or packaged together at $40 for all three. The series features three Saturday classes in total held on October 24th, November 7th, and November 14th. Each class is scheduled for one hour, beginning at 10am.

Additional information on each class and instructor can be found below.

October 24th at 10am – Fruit Trees and Small Fruit for Wyoming with Scott Skogerboe

Scott Skogerboe has been the Propagator at Fort Collins Wholesale Nursery for the last 25 years where he grows 300,000 trees and shrubs every year for sale to nurseries from Casper to Albuquerque. Early in his horticultural career Scott was the owner of a small Nursery specializing in Fruit Trees and berries adaptable to the rigors of growing on the high plains of our region. The son of a family who pioneered to Crook county Wyoming in 1876. Scott is a graduate of Colorado State University with a B.S. degree in Landscape Horticulture. In 2016 Scott was awarded the honor of being selected Commercial Horticulturist of the year by the American Horticultural Society. Prior to becoming a horticulturist, Scott was a Sergeant in the US Army where he was a medic and a clinical specialist. He had the honor of being selected to be the ambulance driver in the motorcades of President George Herbert Walker Bush and later with General Colin Powell. Scott in his spare time enjoys going out with his wife Dianne, also a professional Horticulturist, to explore for new plants. One of his claims to fame is he discovered the last remaining tree planted by Johnny Appleseed.

November 7th at 10am – Next Generation Inputs (cultivars, herbicides, and fertilizer) for Organic Vegetable Production with Tyler Mason

Tyler Mason is a horticulturist from Fort Wayne, Indiana. He worked at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens as the Asst. Education Director and Horticulturist from 2012-2017. His background in horticultural education is supported by a Masters Degree in Extension Education and Bachelors in Agricultural Education. This winter he will finish a Ph.D. in Horticulture from Colorado State University with a focus on organic vegetable production. He is most passionate about sharing resources with home-owners and vegetable producers that will help them grow the top performing vegetable cultivars based on yield and flavor.

November 14th at 10am – DIY Crevice Gardening with Kenton Seth

Kenton J. Seth is an aimless plant worshipper who pays the bills as a grower and garden designer based in Fruita, Colorado, right next to Utah. His micro-nursery supplies plants for his garden, meadow, and crevice garden work, represented at paintbrushgardens.com. He’s had many-year stretches manically making unirrigated native landscapes, but is known mostly for his crevice gardens lately, which are scattered throughout the country and a few overseas. He is currently co-authoring a book on Crevice Gardens due out in a year or so. He’ll do anything to play with perennials, documenting novel horticulture news and travels at kentonjseth.blogspot.com.

