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City of Cheyenne prioritizes county pocket annexation

Image of the Council Chambers (City of Cheyenne)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — There are 65 pockets of Laramie County land surrounded by City of Cheyenne boundaries, and city officials are now prioritizing the annexation of that land this year.

The pockets contain 127 independently owned properties. They are unincorporated lands that, though surrounded by the city, do not receive city services. That includes emergency services provided by the city. Those who live within the pockets rely on the county fire district and sheriff’s department for response to emergency calls, which can result in delay of services if personnel are elsewhere in the county, officials said.

The city also does not provide water and sewer services to the pockets unless landowners have an outside users agreement. The rate for that agreement is mandated at 150% of the in-city cost.

The city intends to begin annexing the pockets, pursuant to Wyoming Statute §15-1-404, in phases over the course of the next 18 months.

Upon annexation, rates for users presently subject to an outside user’s agreement will default to city-standard rates. The pockets will also get access to city emergency services, which city officials believe will reduce response times.

Landowners in the pockets will be eligible for sewer and water service connections, though it will not be required at the time of annexation, officials said. Public improvements such as road construction will only be required upon action by the property owner, according to the city.  

Annexed land will be zoned in accordance with PlanCheyenne, and existing users of the property, including livestock use, will be allowed to continue. Residents, however, should consider completing a form detailing the existing use of the land for documentation purposes, according to the city.

Further information on the County Pockets Annexation is available on the city’s website.

A work session regarding annexations was held on June 24 and can be viewed below:

