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City receives $450K in environmental grants, pays additional $216K for Belvoir Ranch trail services

Belvoir Ranch (City of Cheyenne)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Cheyenne city staff members now have more resources to utilize toward environmental and safety endeavors.

The Cheyenne City Council approved a slew of grants, project contracts and a new labor agreement at its regular meeting Monday night. Among those accepted was a $250,000 award from the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities to protect water quality and combat wildfire threats. The city also received $200,000 from the Department of Transportation Safe Streets for All program to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. As part of the grant agreement, the city chipped in a $50,000 match using local optional tax funds.

City staff are also budgeting to ensure the newly formed trails on Belvoir Ranch are well tended to. Councilmembers approved to pay TPT Trails $216,000 for over 35,000 feet of single-track trails and additional maintenance services on the ranch through November 2026. Since early 2024, the city has been constructing a trailhead and over 6 miles of non-motorized trails on the ranch for public recreation. The city will hold its ribbon-cutting ceremony in summer 2025. 

The initial contract with TPT Trails sat at $219,672.93. With this modification, the paid services now total 435,672.93.

Other contracts and agreements the city approved include:

  • The city’s Office of Youth Alternatives was granted a $176,252 service contract to receive from the Laramie County Community Juvenile Services Joint Powers Board for juvenile justice prevention, diversion and case management services.
  • The city accepted a bid request from Lotus Engineering & Sustainability LLC to work on the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The city will pay the company $299,985 for its work via an EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.
  • The city passed a negotiated labor agreement for the Cheyenne Firefighters Local Union No. 279, International Association of Firefighters. 

To view the council’s full agenda for Monday night, click here.

