CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The city of Cheyenne is yet again preparing for a fresh round of annexations, this time for dozens of county pockets close to Dell Range Boulevard.
At its Monday night meeting, the Cheyenne City Council reviewed ordinances that would annex two separate pieces of land to the city. The ordinances passed on second reading and will be reviewed for a third and final time at the governing body’s next regular meeting.
The tract of land being considered for annexation is 640 acres and located northwest of the intersection of Roundtop Road and Interstate 80. The North Range Business Park has several owners, including Microsoft, Cheyenne Light Fuel and Power Company, Cheyenne LEADS and others, according to a city staff memo. The city intends to reclassify this land’s zoning from light industrial to business park.
The city also has an ordinance to annex 38 properties generally located north of Bevans Street, west of College Drive and south of Dell Range. The annexations stem from one of the City Council’s 2022 priority goals. Cheyenne’s governing body intends to amend the annexed areas with the zoning classifications medium-density residential, high-density residential and community business. According to a staff memo, the parcels are land are currently used for the following purposes:
- Twenty-eight parcels are developed land used for residential purposes.
- One pocket has commercial use.
- One pocket contains a church.
- The remaining tracts of land are undeveloped or incorporated into adjacent parcels.
In a third ordinance, the city wants to annex an additional 26 properties situated in county pockets. The lands are generally located east of Ridge Road, west of Whitney Road and along Dell Range. If annexed, the tracts of land would be classified as agricultural residential, low-density residential, medium-density residential and mixed-use residential. The properties are currently used for the following purposes:
- Twenty-three have residential uses.
- The remaining are undeveloped or incorporated into adjacent parcels.
Aside from these annexations, the council wants to change the zoning classifications for the following areas currently situated in the city:
- Changing the zoning classification for land south of Campstool Road and north of Interstate 80 to agricultural.
- Changing the zoning classification for land northeast of the intersection of Morrie Avenue and East Lincolnway to mixed-use business with an urban use overlay.
City councilmembers will decide the fate of these properties at their next meeting at 6 p.m. Dec. 9.