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City approves Belvoir Ranch Grazing Lease for Wyoming Cattle Company

Belvoir Ranch (City of Cheyenne)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The city of Cheyenne has authorized an organization to graze on the premises of Belvoir Ranch.

On Monday, the Cheyenne City Council approved a proposal from a company to sign onto its Belvoir Ranch Grazing Lease. The city approved the request from the Wyoming Cattle Company, which was the only entity to respond to the proposal. The lease permits the company to allow 1,050 animals to eat grass on the property throughout the lease’s duration.

Under the lease agreement, the cattle company has agreed to pay the city $210,000 annually for three years. The lessee cannot use the land to hunt or procure natural resources.

Aside from the lease, the City Council approved an agreement between the governing body and the Wyoming Department of Transportation. WYDOT has agreed to give the city $300,000 to help provide public transportation in Laramie County.

Councilmembers have also approved these other contracts:

  • The city agreed to pay $125,000 to IT service company Zivaro for Quest Netvault Software for Cheyenne’s IT Department. The new software will replace existing backup software. The city is using money from its General Fund for the transaction.
  • The city will pay Alco Fence Co. Inc. a total amount of $381,800 for the Happy Jack Landfill Litter Fence Maintenance and Repair Services project. The city government is paying the company using money from its Solid Waste Fund. The city is breaking up the payments into three transactions over the next three years.

All the aforementioned contracts were on the council’s consent agenda and therefore did not require discussion. The contracts were approved with one vote.

