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Proposals on building regulations, above-ground tank rules move to committee

Mayor Patrick Collins speaks at the City Council meeting Monday, Jan. 6 inside the Cheyenne City Council Chambers. (Jared Gendron/Cap City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Cheyenne City Council met Monday, Jan. 27 to review three proposed ordinances addressing building safety, fire codes and above-ground tank regulations. Each ordinance was referred to the Public Services Committee for further consideration.

The first ordinance seeks to update sections across eight chapters of the city’s building and construction codes. It incorporates the 2024 International Building Code and introduces changes like stricter grading permit requirements and enhanced drainage plan standards for new construction.

Additional provisions include modifications to snow load and wind exposure criteria to address local weather conditions​.

The second ordinance amends the International Fire Code adopted by the city, transitioning to the 2024 edition. Key amendments include stricter requirements for rooftop pathways on buildings with photovoltaic arrays and clarification on the storage of hazardous materials, such as flammable cryogenic fluids. These changes aim to improve fire safety across residential and commercial properties​.

The third ordinance revises city regulations on above-ground tanks storing flammable and combustible liquids. Tanks exceeding 60 gallons would require written approval from the fire code official and must adhere to conditions set by the Cheyenne Fire Department.

The Cheyenne City Council meets in regular session at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Ave. in Cheyenne. Ordinances can be found below.

