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County to test AI software on property appraisals for pilot program


CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Laramie County will soon participate in a pilot program to test how well artificial intelligence can assist county employees.

The county has entered into an agreement with artificial intelligence developer C3.ai Inc. to see how well its AI software can produce property appraisals. The pilot program will last for a period of three months and cost $250,001 for the AI subscription. Laramie County is only paying $1, and Google is covering the remaining $250,000.

The program, brought forward by the Wyoming Department of Revenue, will also be done in tandem with Albany County. Employees with Laramie County’s IT department will participate to ensure that the software adheres to internal policies and is being utilized safely and securely, according to Dominic Davis, assistant IT director for the county.

The county is expecting to use the AI software on around 50,000 residential properties, Laramie County Assessor Todd Ernst said. He and his employees in the Assessor’s Office will let the AI operate alongside their routine appraisal process. He will compare the AI-generated appraisals with his own to test the software’s accuracy and efficiency.

“We’re just looking to see if technology can help us out,” Ernst said.

The pilot program is expected to start Jan. 1, Ernst said. Once the program wraps up, he and his colleagues will give feedback to the Department of Revenue on the effectiveness of the C3 AI. The DOR may consider employing the AI pilot program in more counties.

A copy of the addendum can be viewed below.

