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Laramie County 4-H members to practice “produce judging,” hippology Saturday ahead of statewide contests in June

A member of Laramie County 4-H examines carrots for a produce judging skill contest. (Photo courtesy of Karyn Burkett/Laramie County Extension)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Several events with the youth-focused organization 4-H are on the horizon for Laramie County and Wyoming members.

On Saturday, Laramie County 4-H is holding its Mini Showcase Showdown from 10 a.m. to noon inside the Clay Pathfinder Building at Laramie County Community College. Members will be testing their knowledge in skill-a-thons, judging contests, food decorating and other skill-based trials, according to Karyn Burkett, office associate with Laramie County Extension.

Members will be practicing in the following contests:

  • Livestock Skill-A-Thon
  • Meats judging
  • Prepared speeches
  • Produce judging
  • Robotics
  • Dog Skill-A-Thon
  • Cake decorating
  • Table setting
  • Horse judging/hippology

Saturday’s event is the first of three upcoming competition-based events. The next event in the series is the Laramie County Gold Rush on June 10. Though Saturday’s event will serve more as a practice demonstration for young members, the Gold Rush event will feature individual and team-based competitions. Winners at this event will be recognized at the end of the year at the Laramie County 4-H Achievement Night.

Registration for the Gold Rush opens April 15.

The final event in the three-part series is the Showcase Showdown, which will take place June 18-20 at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. The event will allow 4-H members to explore various industries in workshops. The event will be feature games, a dance and an award ceremony.

All three events are open to 4-H members in Laramie County or Wyoming.

For further questions on these events, contact knagy@uwyo.edu or dawns@uwyo.edu or click here to explore additional opportunities.

