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Wyoming Democratic Party offering new platform for civic engagement with candidates, officials

A voter holds an "I Voted" sticker after participating in the 2018 Wyoming Primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 21, in Casper. (Oil City, File)

CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming Democratic Party announced Tuesday it is utilizing a new platform to allow residents to ask questions of candidates and officials.

The Wyoming Democratic Party’s new Rep’d page allows people to submit questions and upvote questions submitted by other people that they want to see get answered. When a candidate or official answers a question in a video message, the person who asked the question is notified and others are also able to view the video message.

The Wyoming Democratic Party said an advantage of the platform is it allows Wyoming voters to connect over long distances. Upvoting also allows for people to indicate questions that are priorities.

“This particular tool uses some well-known online methods that are really pretty democratic, such as upvoting questions that have already been asked and asking questions you feel might be neglected,” Greg Haas, the WDP’s rural organizing director, said. “If others think your question is important, they can give it a boost.”

Some of the questions people have already asked via the Wyoming Democratic Party’s Rep’d page include:

  • “Why shouldn’t I change parties to vote in the primary?”
  • “What is the plan to help struggling local businesses impacted by Covid?”
  • “The State Land and Investment Board (SLIB) funds a lot of infrastructure projects with ‘pass-through’ funds. Where is that money coming from?”
  • “What are Democrats doing about protecting reproductive rights?”
  • “How are the WyoDems going to protect my freedoms and liberties?”
  • “How can I get involved with the WDP ahead of the election in November?”
  • “What is the plan for Wyoming Democrats going into the 2022 midterms?”
  • “What do Democratic candidates think about accepting Federal funding?”
  • “What are some ways I can register to vote? Do I have to go to the County Courthouse?”
  • “Do Democrats think certain books should be banned in K-12 schools?”
  • “What can Wyoming Democrats do to help Wyoming’s marginalized families, for example in the areas of fair wages, food insecurity and/or family services and support?”
  • “What do you think will happen in the Wyoming midterms?”

