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Wyoming’s Sons of the American Revolution elect state officers for 2024–26 term

(Sons of the American Revolution Facebook photo)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wyoming State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution met in person in mid-May to conduct elections and honor members for meritorious service.

“Members traveled from across the state to meet in the historic Plains Hotel. The meeting was opened by a presentation of the colors by cadets of the Cheyenne Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol led by Cadet Major Mikah Shepard,” President Karl Falken said in a news release.

Among the items of business was the election of officers for the 2024–26 term. Vice President General Ellis Rail, of the Intermountain District of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, swore in the following:

  • President: Karl Falken
  • Secretary and Treasurer: Richard Bethel
  • Registrar and Genealogist: Eric Richhart
  • Historian: Frederick Snelson
  • Chaplain: Russell Goff
  • Vice President: Jake DeWild
  • Sergeant at Arms: Richard Bethel
  • Trustee: David Thompson
  • Alternative Trustee: Karl Falken
  • Data Administrator: David Thompson
  • Editor: Karl Falken
  • WebMaster: Scott Daily

John Kenton Thompson was appointed color guard commander.


Compatriot Jordan Yager of Riverton was awarded the Chapter Roger Sherman Commendation Medal for outstanding performance in fundraising for the Wind River Chapter, according to the release.

Compatriots James Russell and Ronald Steffensmeier, both of Casper, and Roger Salzman of Heyworth, Illinois, were awarded the State Meritorious Service Medal for faithful service as the state secretary/treasurer and ROTC liaison, respectively.

Rail presented compatriots Falken of Riverton and Keith Francik of Cody with the District Roger Sherman Commendation Medal for outstanding service as chapter presidents, and, for Falken, also for leadership in reviving the state society.

In a sign of new things to come, Falken issued service awards to all qualified, active members. Special mention may be made of Compatriot William Windsor of Sheridan, who received the 65-year service award and at 94 is the oldest, longest-serving active member in the state society.

Nathan Winters, president of the Wyoming Family Alliance, closed the meeting with a presentation on the “Scottish influences in the American Revolution.” The presentation compared the roots of the American and French Revolutions and how the Scottish reformation that inspired the founding fathers contrasted with the Jacobitism, which kindled the revolt in France and produced profoundly different results.

