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Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra plays it all in upcoming ‘Classical to Contemporary’ concert

(Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra will be playing music from across eras at an upcoming concert.

The orchestra’s “Classical to Contemporary” concert will feature music from composers such as Beethoven and Allison Loggins-Hull at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Cheyenne Civic Center. The concert will begin with a performance of “The Inheritors Overture,” written only a few years ago by living American composer Allison Loggins-Hull. CSO music director and conductor William Intriligator describes this piece as having “an intensity and a searching quality as it ruminates on inherited inter-generational trauma, specifically from American slavery and the Holocaust.”

For this concert, CSO concertmaster Stacy Lesartre will also enter the spotlight. She has chosen to play Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5, “Turkish.”

“This is one of Mozart’s most glorious and beautiful works,” Intriligator said. “It has it all: grace, nobility, tenderness, poetry, and lively fun. The nickname comes from the finale, which uses some techniques to emulate Turkish music, which was all the rage when Mozart wrote this at age 19.”

This concert will end with Beethoven’s Fourth Symphony, one of the composer’s most joyous and yet profound works. Intriligator describes this music as “sublime and universal.”

“It touches the heart and inspires us,” Intriligator added. “If Beethoven, while losing his hearing and struggling in his relationships, could write music this wonderful, this uplifting, this joyous, then we, too, can overcome our obstacles and troubles.”

Listeners can enhance their experience with an introduction to the concert by the maestro and guest artist at the CSO’s free “Lunch and Learn” event at noon Nov. 15 at the Laramie County Public Library. Those at home can also watch the video on demand on CSO’s website. “Classic Conversations,” an abbreviated introduction to the concert by Intriligator, will take place at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the civic center for ticketed patrons. The concert will also be livestreamed for $25 per household.

