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Game and Fish Department relocates grizzly from Wilson area

A grizzly bear wanders through fall foliage in the Greater Yellowstone region. (National Park Service/C. Adams)

CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department captured and relocated a subadult male grizzly bear that had been encroaching on the Wilson community.

The bear was captured and relocated preemptively because it frequented developed areas on private lands in the Wilson area. The grizzly bear was relocated to the Camp Creek drainage approximately 30 miles northwest of Cody.

Relocation is a management tool large carnivore biologists use to minimize conflicts between humans and grizzly bears. Bears that are considered a threat to human safety are not relocated. In some cases, a bear may be removed from the population if it cannot be relocated successfully.

Capture is necessary when other deterrents or preventative options are exhausted or unattainable. Once the animal is captured, all circumstances are taken into account when determining if the individual should be relocated. If relocation is warranted, a site is determined by considering the age, sex and type of conflict the bear was involved in as well as potential human activity nearby.

Grizzly bears are only relocated into the recovery zone or adjacent areas. With any relocation, Game and Fish consults with agencies to minimize the chance of future conflicts and maximize the relocated grizzly bear’s survival.

