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Storm to bring 'significant' snow, blowing snow by Sunday night

File Photo (Dan Cepeda)

The National Weather Service in Riverton issued a statement on Thursday warning of a serious winter storm heading towards the state. 

According to the NWS, “significant snow and blowing snow is possible across much of the area, along with much colder temperatures.”

Snow is expected on Sunday afternoon starting over northern Wyoming, then “quickly” spread into central Wyoming by evening and continue south through the night.

Snow will continue through Monday before decreasing north to south by night.

The NWS says “travel could become quite hazardous if not nearly impossible in some locations Sunday night through Monday night.”

Strong and gusty winds are also predicted.

According to the NWS office in Cheyenne, the storm will bring a dramatic contrast in temperatures.

A high of 65 degrees is expected for the Cheyenne area on Sunday, dipping to 19 degrees overnight. Monday’s high will be 24 degrees, reaching 9 degrees overnight.

Today’s high will be 44 degrees, with wind gusts up to 50 mph. Strong winds will continue through the weekend.

