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National Weather Service: Cheyenne documents dry, hot 2022


CHEYENNE, Wyo. — 2022 was hot, dry and windy for Cheyenne, according to new data released by the local National Weather Service office.

The average temperature in the city was 0.5 degrees above normal, averaging 47.4 degrees. That made 2022 the 14th warmest on record, according to the National Weather Service. The hottest day was July 18, when the mercury topped out at 99 degrees. The coldest was minus 25 degrees on Dec. 22.

2022 was quite dry, with Cheyenne receiving 5.94 inches of rain less than normal. The city received 9.47 inches through the year, making it the ninth driest year on record, the National Weather Service said. The wettest day was Sept. 21, when the city received 0.42 inches of rain. There were 41 days with thunder.

There was quite a bit of snow for 2022, with Cheyenne getting 1.8 inches above normal. Total snowfall was 64.7 inches, and that will make 2022 the 42nd snowiest year. The day with the most snow was Jan. 5 with 7.2 inches.

As expected, it was windy in Cheyenne, too. The highest wind gust on record for the year was 79 mph on Nov. 5.

