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Wyoming Arts Council to host two virtual Community Support Grant Workshops

The series is geared toward those who work or volunteer for nonprofit arts organizations, educational institutions, community clubs, or local government units and departments that offer arts programming.

Wyoming Arts Council. Facebook

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Wyoming Arts Council will host a two-part virtual Guide to the Community Support Grant workshop on Thursday, March 23 and Thursday, March 30 from noon to 1 p.m.

The two-part workshop teaches grant writers of all skill levels how to prepare and submit an application for the Community Support Grant.

The series is geared toward those who work or volunteer for nonprofit arts organizations, educational institutions, community clubs, or local government units and departments that offer arts programming.

On March 23, participants will review eligibility criteria and application how-tos with Grants Manager Cashmere Balland.

On March 30, participants will learn about project eligibility and application content with Community Development and Arts Learning Specialist Amara Fehring.

Participants are welcome to join one or both workshops.

Those interested in the March 23 workshop can join via https://meet.google.com/tbs-iqnp-tdc or dial ‪(US) +1 405-433-4116 PIN: ‪317 723 021#

Those interested in the March 30 workshop can join via https://meet.google.com/dwm-otok-tay or dial ‪(US) +1 346-800-3887 PIN: ‪823 932 661#

For more information, visit https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/wac-grant/community-support-grant-fy18/ or contact Amara Fehring at 307-630-3918 or amara.fehring@wyo.gov.

