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Sheriff’s Office seeking information on stolen guns

(File photo; Trevor T. Trujillo, Cap City)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Laramie County Sheriff’s Office is asking the public for any information related to a burglary that occurred between December 28th and January 8th.

Authorities say that sometime during those dates a garage in the 3300 block of Hales Ranch Rd. was entered and hunting gear was taken.

It is reported that the items stolen include a Beretta Over/Under and Remington 1187 12 gauge shotguns.

The LCSO requests that if anyone has have information about this or any other crime, to call Crime Stoppers Silent Witness at 638-TIPS or on the web at silentwitnesslaramiecounty.com.

They say that individuals coming forward will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000.00.

