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Saddle Ridge bike paths project headed to Cheyenne's Finance Committee (PHOTOS)

The bike paths in the Saddle Ridge neighborhood may eventually link up with the "Greater Cheyenne Greenway." (City of Cheyenne)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — New non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle paths and adjacent green space could be coming to the Saddle Ridge neighborhood in Cheyenne.

The pathways in the area will link up with Saddle Ridge Elementary School.

The City of Cheyenne is working out agreements with developers who own land in the area to allow aspects of the project to move forward.

The Saddle Ridge area where the paths and green spaces will be constructed. (City of Cheyenne)

The city council referred an issue involving memorandums of understanding with both Saddle Ridge, LLC and WJE, LLC to their Finance Committee on Monday, Dec. 9.

Those agreements would be “for the donation of land and for the management of a multi-purpose non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle pathway, and park and landscape amenities.”

The city had previously entered into memorandums of understanding with both companies, but “neither party was able to perform their respective improvement responsibilities under the timeline of the original MOU for reasons outside of their control.”

Both new memorandums of understanding would last through Dec. 31, 2021 once fully approved by the city council.

The MOU with Saddle Ridge, LLC and the MOU with WJE, LLC provide full details on the responsibilities of both the developers and the City of Cheyenne.

The following exhibits show the donated properties and planned layout of the pathways:

(City of Cheyenne)
(City of Cheyenne)
(City of Cheyenne)

