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Leadership Cheyenne presents Greenway Advisory Committee $16,752 check for wayfinding signs

(City of Cheyenne, Facebook)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The City of Cheyenne has announced that the members of the 2018-19 Leadership Cheyenne class presented a check last week to The Greenway Advisory Committee in the amount of $16,752 for the manufacturing and implementing of new wayfinding signs.

“With over 39 miles of Greenway connecting our community to parks, schools, and important destinations, the implementation of wayfinding signs has become a priority,” The City said through a press release.

The announcement went on to say that funds were raised from the annual Cheyenne Boo Ball that was held at the end of October.

According to the City, the funds that were generated from the 2018-19 Leadership Cheyenne class will result in the implementation of around 13 to 15 wayfinding signs at intersections that are considered to be a priority throughout the Greater Cheyenne Greenway.

“New signs will be placed along the Greenway starting this spring and summer at Cahill Park, Norris Viaduct, and inside Lions Park to name just a few locations,” The City said.

