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Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra brings back their Movie Music concerts

Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra, Website

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra is bringing the iconic music from your favorite movies to life with two concerts at The Cheyenne Civic Center, located 510 West 20th St, on Saturday, January 25th.

In their announcement, the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra says that a family matinee concert, called “Heroes and Villains” will begin at 2 P.M. on January 25th and will feature the music from beloved movies like Superman, Batman, Lord of the Rings and others.

They say that costumed characters will be on hand for photos and an Instrument Petting Zoo will be in the lobby starting at 1:00 PM.

“Costumes are encouraged for this family-length concert and tickets are just $5 and $10.,” the announcement goes on to say.

“This concert really tells the story of heroes and villains, and the film scores we’ve chosen reflect that beautifully,” said Conductor and Music Director, William Intriligator.

Later that same evening, the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra says that they will present a full-length concert called “Blockbuster and Beethoven” that include the same fun favorites that were in the matinese with the addition of Beethoven’s Leonore Overture #3 and Strauss’ epic tone poem, Don Juan.

The evening concert begins at 7:30 P.M. and ticket prices range between $12 and $47.

“I have to admit that many of the film scores are from movies that were my favorites when I was younger and I am also excited about the Lord of the
Rings music. Both the Saturday night concert and the Saturday afternoon matinee will be truly spectacular, with a massive orchestra performing incredible, dramatic and powerful music,” Intriligator said.

For those unfamiliar with Beethoven’s Leonore Overture #3, Maestro Intriligator offers his sentiments on why people should come and listen:

“I am so excited to begin our celebration of Beethoven’s 250th birthday thi s year—and what a way to begin it: with his Leonore Overture #3! It’s a true masterpiece!” Intriligator added.

“This is much more than an opera overture, it is really the first tone poem written for orchestra.”

For more information on the concerts you are encouraged to call 778-8561 or to visit cheyennesymphony.org

