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New details released in upcoming ‘Wings Over Warren’ airshow

US Air Force Thunderbirds aerobatic team performs

CHEYENNE, Wyo – F.E. Warren Air Force Base has released new details on the Wings Over Warren Airshow they are set to host on July 22, 2020.

According to airbase officials, the show is scheduled to begin at 10 am and will feature a variety of aerial demonstrations and appearances by military aircraft representing a wide range of Air Force capabilities.

The event is free and open to the public; no tickets are required, but parking is limited to approximately 1500 vehicles and will be first-come, first-served, the base said via a media release.

The gate on Roundtop Road will be the only way to access airshow parking, even for those with DoD ID cards.

The gate will open at 7 a.m. and will close at 9:30 a.m., or when capacity is reached. Please come early but do not arrive before 7 a.m. Traffic will not be permitted to back up at the gate prior to opening, base officials added.

Viewing will be drive-in movie style and airshow commentary will be broadcast on local radio stations.

Organizers say that attendees will be directed where to park and will need to stay in or directly around their vehicle. Each vehicle will have a space of 15-feet wide to ensure social distancing. RVs and trailers are not permitted.

“The show will last approximately two hours. There will be restrooms and handicap-accessible restrooms available. As a reminder, please bring food and drinks for your enjoyment and be sure to fill up on gasoline before your arrival,” airbase officials stated.

For more information on the airshow, access to base and what items are permitted and not permitted, please visit warren.af.mil or the F.E. Warren Facebook Page @FEWarrenAirForceBase and search for the “Wings Over Warren” event.

For any questions regarding this release, please contact the 90th Missile Wing Public Affairs Office at (307) 773-3381.

