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Public invited to sample new food experiences for 2021 CFD


CHEYENNE, WYo. – Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD) is inviting the public to to come and sample their new food experience for the 125th Daddy of ‘em All® on Frontier Park over Labor Day Weekend

CFD has announced that it jas a brand-new food concessionaire that they say will have an emphasis on customer service, product quality, cleanliness, speed of service and most of all, a focus on fun!

Fun Biz Concessions, Inc. was selected to provide food for the Daddy of ‘em All® starting in 2020.

Concessionaires Nate and Stephanie Janousek of Fun Biz Concessions were set to provide an all-new food experience on Frontier Park until the 2020 edition of the Daddy of ‘em All® was canceled

There will be a sampling of menu items to preview the food experience for 2021 on Frontier Park over the upcoming holiday weekend.

“For a preview of what’s to come next July,” Nate said, “join us on Labor Day Weekend to engage in the adventure of trying some of the most cutting edge and delicious food products in the entire amusement industry.”

Select food items will be offered in the Carnival Midway Area (west side) of Frontier Park on September 3-7. Cash and credit cards as well as Apple, Google and Samsung Pay will be accepted, according to CFD officials.

Janousek continued, “We are excited to meet community members, leaders and future CFD patrons as we seek to build relationships that we intent to cultivate for a lifetime by being transparent, forward thinking, community oriented and authentic. We look forward to meeting folks from the Cheyenne community and beyond as we welcome them to our food experience and celebrate a love of food and Cheyenne Frontier Days. We are so looking forward to beginning this journey with you all and cannot wait to give a small preview over the days leading to Labor Day.”

For more details about this event and a complete menu of food items offered, please visit www.cfdrodeo.com.

WHAT: Frontier Fun Food Festival

WHEN: September 3-4 and 6-7 from noon to 10 p.m., and September 5 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

WHERE: Carnival Midway Area of Frontier Park

WHY: Preview a sampling of the new food experience for the 125th Daddy of ‘em All® on Frontier Park over Labor Day Weekend

