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Frontier Park to host several events Over Labor Day Weekend

CHEYENNE – Frontier Park will be hosting several events over Labor Day Weekend.

The “Frontier Fun Food Festival” will kick off the weekend on September 3-7. Preview a sampling of the new food experience at the Daddy of ‘em All® in the Carnival Midway area. Cash and credit cards as well as Apple, Google and Samsung Pay will be accepted. 

National Team Roping (NTR) will present “The Western Frontier Labor Day Celebration” beginning at 9:30 a.m. on September 4-7. Over 1,500 teams are expected to compete for cash and prizes.

“Two arenas are going up, and the event is free admission for the entire family,” CFD official Nicole Gamst said.

Every Saturday until October 3 from 7 a.m. – 1 p.m., the Cheyenne Farmer’s Market will be hosted in B Lot, off of W. 8th Ave.

The gate between B Lot and C Lot will be the only entrance into the Farmer’s Market. Please help the Farmer’s Market adhere to health orders, and park in C Lot. Face masks will be encouraged and social distancing enforced.

For more Labor Day events information please visit www.cfdrodeo.com.

