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Jennie Gordon speaks about the Wyoming Hunger Initiative in preparation for Thanksgiving

First Lady of Wyoming Jennie Gordon holds up a T-shirt that her organization, the Wyoming Hunger Initiative, is selling in partnership with Cheyenne Frontier Days to combat statewide food insecurity Tuesday at the Governors' Mansion in Cheyenne. The shirt is currently being sold online and will be available for purchase at merchandise outlets throughout the festival, with all proceeds going toward anti-hunger organizations across Wyoming. (Briar Napier/Cap City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Wyoming’s First lady, Jennie Gordon, spoke about the Wyoming Hunger Initiative today at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Gordon has been working since her husband Gov. Mark Gordon was elected to end hunger in the state.

Gordon started by stating why she was so passionate about food security, saying that though her family was never hungry, her parents grew up differently. “My mother grew up in Vienna, Austria, during World War II and really never had a complete meal till she came to the States. My dad was a child of the Depression and his dad lost his job and then subsequently the family home. So at 14 years old, he went out on his own to try to make his way in the world.”

With this in mind, Gordon started the Wyoming Hunger Initiative, which works to make sure no one in the state is going hungry.

There are several different programs that residents can participate in. These programs include Food from the Field, Food from the Farm + Ranch, and Wyoming Angel Accounts.

To donate to the Wyoming Hunger Initiative, please follow the link here.

