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(LIST) Bills sponsored by Laramie County representatives

(Dan Cepeda, Oil City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Now that the 2023 Legislative General Session has commenced, take a look at some of the House bills that are being sponsored or co-sponsored by Laramie County representatives.

All bills up for deliberation can be viewed at https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2023.

Rep. Dan Zwonitzer for District 43

Rep. Landon Brown for District 9

Rep Clarence Styvar for District 12

Rep. Bill Henderson of District 41

Rep. Jeremey Haroldson for District 4

Reps. Daniel Singh for District 61, Tamara Trujillo for District 44, Ben Hornok for District 42, David Zwonitzer for District 8, Bob Nicholas for District 7, John Eklund for District 10 and Jared Olsen for District 11 are not sponsoring or co-sponsoring any House bills.

