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CyberWyoming’s student challenge focuses on safeguarding internet-connected medical devices

The third annual Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge focuses on the subject of medical internet of things items.

Circuit Breakers, Laramie County 4H Club pose after showing their 2022-2023 videos at the Laramie County Library. (CyberWyoming)

CASPER, Wyo. — CyberWyoming Alliance has announced a challenge aimed at students in grades 6–12 to enhance their understanding of internet-connected medical devices and their protection. The initiative aims to promote cybersecurity awareness and equip Wyoming’s youth with valuable employability skills.

The third annual Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge focuses on the subject of medical internet of things items. Students are encouraged to explore safeguarding strategies for a range of devices, from smartwatches to insulin pumps and MRI machines, according to a press release by CyberWyoming.

President of the CyberWyoming Alliance Laura Baker highlighted their hope for the competition.

“The hope is that teachers and club sponsors will book a tour with their local hospital to talk to the IT people there, see the internet connected devices that are used to treat patients and run the hospital, and show the students the careers in Wyoming’s medical industry,” Baker said

Teams of up to five students participating in the challenge receive $100 and T-shirts to create a cyber safety video. These videos are then hosted on the Wyoming State Library’s website.

Last year’s competition was very successful, according to Baker.

“We are thrilled with the response we received from the students and schools who participated in the Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge last year and are even using a gaming safely video made by a team from Laramie High School for a public service announcement,” Baker said.

The registration deadline for the event is Nov. 15. Teams can register here.

Teams will be responsible for video recording and editing between October 2023 and March 1, 2024. Judging will be completed by March 30 with a statewide virtual premiere and awards ceremony scheduled for April 18 at 2 p.m.

Links to the virtual premiere will be announced at a later date.

The initiative is designed to achieve various learning objectives and skills, encompassing script writing, communication, storytelling, video filming, production, direction, editing techniques, research methodologies and employability skills.

Educators and mentors interested in the program can access a detailed video for more information. Contact CyberWyoming at info@cyberwyoming.org for inquiries about the 2023–24 Challenge.

The CyberWyoming Alliance, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Laramie, focuses on enhancing cybersecurity awareness, education and outreach across communities throughout the State of Wyoming.

As a 501(c)3 organization, the alliance qualifies for the annual WyoGives event and Baker expressed gratitude for the donations that will help make this year’s event a success. “The money we received from our generous donors during WyoGives 2023 will help us sponsor even more teams this year.”

