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City of Cheyenne approves new data center project


CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Plans to bring a new data center to Cheyenne are coming to fruition following action from city councilmembers Monday night.

The council unanimously approved an agreement, commonly referred to as “Project Cosmo,” that would allow Goat Systems LLC to develop an 800,000-square-foot data center on a 945-acre plot in the High Plains Business Park between Clear Creek Parkway and South Greeley Highway.

The park is owned by the Cheyenne-Laramie County Corporation for Economic Development, or LEADS, and was annexed by the City of Cheyenne in November 2022. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2024.

The developer will be required to pay park fees, public safety fees and building permit revenue. They will also aid in construction of on-site and off-site infrastructure including sewer, water and roadways to support the development and will provide avenues for development of nearby lands.

Cheyenne has annexed more than 1,200 acres to be used for the High Plains Business Park. (City of Cheyenne)

Mayor Patrick Collins stated in a Nov. 10 newsletter that the opportunity will be beneficial for the city.

“Not only will Cosmo bring great jobs to Cheyenne, but it will also bring the necessary infrastructure that is needed to allow the rest of the business park to develop,” Collins wrote.

