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Commercial pesticide recertification, new applicator program offered Jan. 16–18


CASPER, Wyo. — For Wyoming pesticide applicators seeking to recertify their commercial application license or apply for their first commercial license, the University of Wyoming Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program will offer educational programming in Casper on Tuesday, Jan. 16 through Thursday, Jan. 18.

Commercial pesticide applicator licenses are required for anyone who applies or supervises the application of pesticides on property other than their own, for contract or hire, a news release said.

The event, which will take place at the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center, is hosted in partnership with the Wyoming Weed Management Association, Wyoming Ag Business Association and Wyoming Department of Agriculture.

The WDA has confirmed that the program will provide up to 24 commercial applicator continuing education credits for licensed commercial applicators. Certified Crop Advisors will also be eligible for continuing education units.

Registration for the recertification program can be completed at bit.ly/pest-recert-2024 and costs $125 per person. To view the full agenda, visit bit.ly/pest-recert-24-agenda.

A separate track of educational sessions is available for those seeking their commercial applicator license for the first time. While completion of the program is not required to obtain a license, new applicators are strongly encouraged to attend.

Registration for the new applicator program can be completed at bit.ly/pest-new-2024 and costs $125 per person. To view the full agenda, visit bit.ly/pest-new-24-agenda.

Before attending the program, new applicators are encouraged to review the Wyoming PSEP training manuals, which can be found at bit.ly/wy-pesticide-training.

Hotel reservations are the responsibility of individual participants and are not included in the registration cost. Meals will be provided on Tuesday and Wednesday morning at no additional cost.

To learn more, visit uwyoextension.org/psep. Contact Jeff Edwards, pesticide safety education program coordinator, at jedward4@uwyo.edu or 307-837-2956 with questions.

