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Wyoming 2024 hunting seasons set; Hunt Planner to get update by May 1

(Wyoming Game and Fish Department)

CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission approved 2024 hunting seasons during its April meeting, according to a Monday, April 22 announcement.

Wyoming Game and Fish provides an online “Wyoming Hunt Planner” to help both residents and non-residents plan hunts for species such as antelope, elk, deer, moose and bison. It will be updated with the approved seasons by the beginning of May.

In addition to information about hunting season dates for each species and in each hunting region, the planner also provides interactive maps, species-specific hunt information, drawing odds, harvest information, public access information and more.

The finalized season information is available on the Wyoming Game and Fish Department website. Hunters who have already applied are encouraged to check the hunt areas they applied for to see if any changes occurred during the season-setting process.

Game and Fish personnel provided the commission with an update on trapping, the Speas Fish Hatchery cool-/warm-water facility and landowner licenses. The department and partners provided a presentation on the Dubois U.S. Highway 26 construction project. The commission also listened to significant public comment on the Sublette County wolf incident, according to department public information officer Breanna Ball.

A full recording of the commission meeting is below:

The next Commission meeting is May 21–22 in Dubois and will coincide with the Wyoming Sportsperson Conservation Forum that will be held at the National Museum of Military Vehicles. 

