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Man injured after surprise, close-range black bear encounter in Bighorns

Game and Fish said the incident was a sudden, surprise encounter and that the bear’s response was the result of a perceived threat to her cubs.


CASPER, Wyo. — A man searching for shed antlers in the Bighorns reportedly surprised a mother black bear and was injured while climbing a nearby tree, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department said in a release on Monday. 

Based on the initial information, Game and Fish said the incident was a sudden, surprise encounter and that the bear’s response was the result of a perceived threat to her cubs.

“Because of the nature of the incident, no management actions will be taken at this time,” said Sheridan Region Wildlife Supervisor Dustin Shorma. “It was an unfortunate situation and we hope the individual has a quick and full recovery.”

The man encountered the female black bear and two young-of-the-year cubs at close range Saturday afternoon, June 22, on the North Fork of West Pass Creek in northern Sheridan County. The man was injured while climbing a tree and waited until the bear left before going to a nearby ranch building to call for help. He was later treated for his injuries at Sheridan Memorial Hospital.

“Most of Sheridan County is black bear habitat,” Game and Fish said. “Members of the public who work or recreate outdoors, can learn about precautions they can take to lessen the chances of a conflict on the Game and Fish Department’s Bear Wise webpage.”

