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Laramie County Board to review three land use changes in public hearings

Laramie County commissioners are seated during their regular meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7 inside the Commissioners Board Room at the Laramie County Government Complex. (Jared Gendron/Cap City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Laramie County Board of Commissioners will hold public hearings on Tuesday, Feb. 4 to consider three significant land use proposals. The hearings will focus on rezoning requests for the Cheyenne Irrigated Gardens and Gleich Tracts, as well as a subdivision permit for Recco Ranch.

Cheyenne Irrigated Gardens Zone Change

Steil Surveying Services has requested a zone change for a 0.36-acre parcel in the Cheyenne Irrigated Gardens 3rd Filing. The proposal seeks to rezone the property from Light Industrial to Mixed Use to separate an existing residence from a towing business on the same site​.

According to county planning staff, the zone change aligns with the Urban Rural Interface designation in the county’s comprehensive plan. The Laramie County Planning Commission voted 4–0 in favor of the request on Jan. 23. No public objections were received during the notice period​.

Gleich Tracts Zone Change

The second public hearing will review a proposal to rezone Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the Gleich Tracts from Agricultural Residential to Mixed Use​. The property is home to LG Drilling, a water well service business, and the rezoning would allow for expansion while keeping the existing residence.

A concurrent application for a site plan includes construction of a new shop, office and parking area for employees and equipment. The Laramie County Planning Commission recommended approval of the zone change in a 3–0 vote on Jan. 9. The applicant has also agreed to repair a neighboring fence once weather permits​.

Recco Ranch Subdivision

The third hearing will address a subdivision permit and plat for Recco Ranch, which seeks to divide 83.22 acres into 14 residential lots. The land, currently zoned for agricultural use, sits along Railroad Road, or County Road 215.

County planning staff noted that the development aligns with the Rural Agricultural Interface designation. However, agency reviews raised concerns about road construction standards and fire safety requirements​. The county engineer has recommended that all access roads be built to county standards, while the developer has asked to build one section to fire department standards only.

The Laramie County Board of Commissioners meets in regular session the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The meetings are held in the Commissioner’s Board Room on the third floor of the Historic Courthouse, 310 W. 19th St. in Cheyenne, and begin at 3:30 p.m. Reports can be found below.

