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UW receives national award for community efforts, student wellness

(File photo, Oil City)

LARAMIE, Wyo. — The University of Wyoming was recently named the recipient of the 2024 Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention, which recognizes higher education institutions that demonstrate leadership in student safety and well-being as well as community building.

Presented by Vector Solutions, the CPN Seal of Prevention creates a safer, more inclusive campus through comprehensive, evidence-based digital prevention education on issues such as alcohol and drug misuse, sexual assault, mental health and community building. The CPN Seal of Prevention establishes guidelines for discerning quality online prevention education and implementation practices and positions prevention as central to key institutional outcomes.

UW’s Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center has received the national award for five consecutive years. The UW courses evaluated for the CPN Seal of Prevention are managed at UW through the HOPES Program. The program uses a harm-reduction approach by promoting a standard of wellness about healthy, informed choices surrounding alcohol use and the prevention of illicit drug use by college students.

“We are honored and grateful to receive this award for the fifth consecutive year. Our digital prevention programming allows us to instill the values of building and contributing to a safe campus community before students even arrive at UW,” said Aleah Biertzer, HOPES Program coordinator. “This is just one piece of our comprehensive approach to prevention, which spans throughout a student’s time at UW. This work is possible thanks to the commitment of many campus partners. We have seen that this approach aids in the creation and sustainability of an informed campus community that looks out for one another.”

Research conducted by Vector Solutions indicates that 34% of high school seniors are more likely to attend a college or university with the CPN Seal of Prevention. Among current college students, 77% feel it is important that their institution has achieved the seal of prevention. Recipient institutions, on average, have a 6% higher first-year retention rate and 7% higher on-time four-year graduation rate compared to those that have not achieved the seal.

“The CPN Seal of Prevention recipients represent the top 12 percent of colleges and universities nationwide, underscoring their commitment to academic excellence and the well-being of their students,” said Jonathan Cherins, Vector Solutions CEO.

Vector Solutions is an industry leader in postsecondary safety and prevention training, serving more than 2,000 of the nation’s most widely recognized and prestigious institutions and organizations for more than 20 years. Its online prevention programs reach more than one million higher education students, staff and faculty annually.

The CPN Seal of Prevention criteria are based on the Principles of Effective Prevention Programs. More than 850 campuses were evaluated to determine eligibility. A list of the 2024 recipients and more information about the award can be found here.

