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Wyoming to host ‘Magpul Governor’s Cup’ shooting event for 4th year


For the fourth consecutive year, Wyoming will host the Magpul Wyoming Governor’s Cup United Shooting Sports League national competition July 31-Aug 2 at the Cody, Wyoming Shooting Complex.

“I am excited to welcome the Magpul Wyoming Governor’s Cup back to Wyoming again this summer, a prestigious event which highlights shooting sports excellence and our state’s firearms industry,” Governor Mark Gordon said. “I attended the 2019 competition and was impressed by the marksmanship, professionalism and enthusiasm of the competitors.”

The event is organized through Wyoming State Parks and the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Office. According to a statement from WSP, the event has brought hundreds of competitors and shooting enthusiasts to Wyoming.

The WSP says the United Multi Gun League multi-firearm event includes 12 stages with a mix of bay and natural terrain at various distances up to 500 yards.

Prizes include trophies, coins and medals.

Camping spots are available for contestants, and more information is at the WSP website.

Competition registration is available at: https://practiscore.com/2020-wyoming-magpul-governors-match-presented-by-vortex/register . 

