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Wyoming soon opening 2021 hunting applications for six big game species and wild turkey


CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will begin accepting 2021 hunting license applications at 8 am Monday, Jan. 4.

Residents and nonresidents will be able to submit applications for licenses to hunt the following species:

  • elk
  • deer
  • antelope
  • spring turkey
  • moose
  • sheep
  • mountain goat

Applications must be submitted online. Game and Fish notes that the first application deadline is Feb. 1 for nonresident elk licenses and residents and nonresident spring turkey.

“New for 2021, nonresident applicants for moose and bighorn sheep will need to elect to opt-in with their applications to be awarded a preference point if unsuccessful in the draw,” Game and Fish said. “They will not be automatically purchased if unsuccessful. Otherwise, unsuccessful applicants can apply for a point beginning in July.”

“Another notable addition for 2021; all applicants will have the ability to make a voluntary donation to Wildlife Crossing, an initiative that funds projects to reduce wildlife and vehicle collisions. Each year, more than 6,000 big game animals are killed on the roads. Read about all the updates in the 2021 Hunting License Application Information.

Game and Fish also offers a Hunt Planner to help hunters prepare for hunting in 2021. The planner can be used to find estimated season dates.

“Tentative season information for 2021 is available for moose, sheep, and mountain goat,” Game and Fish said. “Elk, deer and antelope hunters can use prior season information for the best estimate. Final season information will be published on May 1, with time for hunters to make modifications or withdraw applications.”

“Details on 2021 deadlines and information will be updated on the Game and Fish Hunt Planner at the end of December. Anyone with questions regarding hunting applications can call (307) 777-4600.”

This article originally appeared on Oil City News. Used with permission.

