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Wyoming Game and Fish acquires 120 acres of big game winter range near Dubois

A mule deer at the Spence and Moriarity Wildlife Management Area near Dubois. (Wyoming Game and Fish)

CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission recently acquired a 120-acre property that was previously a private inholding surrounded by the Spence and Moriarity Wildlife Management Area, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department announced Thursday.

The property near Dubois is important winter range for mule deer, elk, bighorn sheep, pronghorn and other wildlife species, according to Game and Fish.

(Wyoming Game and Fish)

“The property was landlocked on all sides and we are excited to have it incorporated into the rest of the WMA,” Brian Rognon with Game and Fish’s Lands Administration section said. “Not only will this protect the habitat for wildlife into the future but it will also allow for recreational access onto this parcel.”

The 120-acres and the rest of the Spence and Moriarity Wildlife Management Area as well as the Inberg Roy Wildlife Management Area are closed to human presence from Dec. 16 – May 15 each year, according to Game and Fish.

“Check the Game and Fish website here for more information on winter land closures around the state,” the department said.

